Now to feed the hungry little buggers. We keep a large tupperware container (the label says it holds 19 cups) in the fridge and toss our scraps in as they are created. Your worms should come with a nice diet description (as well as a list of the other tiny critters that will call your bin home) that you can follow. But basically, no egg shells, no meat. Just like us, they do best with a fresh fruit and vegetable diet :) Noodles and bread are fine, but flour doesn't work well. Coffee grounds are great.
Our container holds the perfect amount to feeds our 3 worms bins so you can gauge your amounts based on that. To add your food scraps to the worm bin, pull the peat moss back, digging gently but deeply to form a trench on one side of the bin to hold the food. Put your scraps into the hole and gently push the peat moss back over the food so the top is flat again. Make sure to completely cover the food. The worms will do the rest!
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